St. Liborius Catholic Parish

We, the Christian family of St. Liborius Catholic Church,
are called through baptism to be Disciples of Christ.
We welcome all to our diverse community of faith.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit and brought together as a Eucharistic community,
we are building the Kingdom of God.

We thankfully and joyfully live the gospel message through the sacraments, community life, stewardship, administration, social justice, outreach, education, and faith formation.

We are the sign of Christ’s love in our community, our Joliet Diocese,
the universal Catholic Church, and throughout the world.

About Us
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Bishop Hicks'

Monthly Column

April 2024

Faith-Inspired Movies

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Diocese of Joliet 75th Anniversary

 Commemorating 75 Years of Catechesis, Evangelization and Service

December 11, 2023, to December 8, 2024

Novena of Grace with St. Francis Xavier

From November 25 through December 3, 2023, members of our diocese will have the opportunity to participate in a nine day novena of prayer to St. Francis Xavier, the patron of the Diocese of Joliet.

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm (St. Liborius)

Sunday: 8:30am (St. Mary) &
10:30am (St. Liborius)

​Daily Mass:

Monday: 7pm (St. Mary)

Tuesday: 8am (St. Mary)

Wednesday: 7pm (St. Liborius)

​Thursday: 8:30am (St. Liborius*)

Friday: 8am (St. Liborius)

*Thursday morning mass will be at Mother Teresa Catholic Academy on days when school is in session.

Parishioners may attend Mass at either parish and you will still use the offertory envelope for your home parish. The envelopes will be sorted and your contribution will go to your home parish.


St. Liborius

Friday: 8:30am-9am

First Wednesday of each month: 7:30pm-8pm

St. Mary

Tuesday: 8:30am-9am


The rosary is said 30 minutes before all Masses at both St. Liborius and St. Mary.


Reconciliation is offered 30 minutes before all Masses at both St. Liborius and St. Mary.

Holy Days:

Schedule will be posted in Bulletin.


Follow us

And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."
 Matthew 28: 18-20 (RSV-CE)
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