Spiritual Life

Altar Servers

Altar Servers is a ministry of service to Our Lord Jesus Christ who is present in the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Not only do our altar servers minister at Sunday Mass, they assist for other liturgical celebrations. Children who are in the 4th grade or older are welcome to join.

Art & Environment

The Art & Environment Committee provides for a worship space conducive to the prayer and praise of our community. This group consists of staff members and volunteers who help with special projects and decorations for the major liturgical seasons.

Ministers of Care

Parishioners in the Ministers of Care Ministry tend to those members of our Parish community who are unable to attend Mass for a variety of reasons. These ministers visit with, pray with, and distribute Holy Communion to this important section of our Parish family.

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion

Chuck Gromala | cfgromala@aol.com

Eucharistic ministers are lay people who volunteer and are trained by the Church to assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion to the faithful at Mass. Ministers are approved and commissioned by the Bishop through the parish priest. Training is provided. Mission: The mission of the Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Ministry is to serve God and our Parish Community through the distribution of the Holy Eucharistic to God’s people, thus creating a spirit of unity and love within our faith community.


Jeanette Dargert | flybirdred@yahoo.com

Lectors are members of the assembly who proclaim the Word of God for Masses offered on Saturdays, Sundays, Holy Days, and other special services throughout the Church year. It is essential that the Lector is comfortable speaking in public and willing to invest time in scripture study and training. There is training provided by the parish. Mission: We, the Lector Ministry of St. Liborius Parish, serve by proclaiming the Word of God and conveying the Scripture message. We are the windows through which God touches the minds and hearts of His people.

Music Ministry (Choir / Cantors)

The Music Ministry at St. Liborius is an integral and vibrant component of our liturgies and worship services. Many of our members have never sung in a choir before, but through commitment and rehearsals are able to develop their musical talents. Parishioners who have been blessed with the gift of a musical voice are encouraged to share that gift with the parish family. Mission: The St. Liborius Music Ministry strives to foster the full, conscious and active participation of all present by singing together liturgical songs during the Mass. Through the beauty of music, the congregation may further contemplate God’s word.


Sacristans work quietly behind the scenes to ensure that our liturgies run smoothly. They prepare the sacred vessels, linens, and vestments needed for the liturgy, and also clean and put away all items afterwards. Mission: The Sacristan Ministry prepares and organizes the physical liturgical materials for the clergy and the parish community to celebrate the Eucharistic, to worship and to pray. In various works, Sacristans help the faith community of St. Liborius celebrate and grow in its spiritual life. Sacristans serve Christ and His people.


Ushers are often the first encounter parishioners and guests have with the parish. They are at our parish liturgical services to greet you, seat you, answer any questions, and aid in other necessary ways during mass. They facilitate the weekly parish collection in a prompt, reverent way and put it away safely.

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